超萌超可爱的熊猫幼崽呼呼被国际功夫巨星Jackie(成龙 饰)认养,满心期待开启新生活。然而,呼呼独有的“大小眼”特别基因却被国际犯罪组织盯上了,组织首领不惜悬赏雇佣兵一亿美金发起了一场熊猫抢夺战。面对突如其来的危机,新晋奶爸Jackie怎能袖手旁观?他联手金牌经纪人(魏翔 饰)与熊猫保育员(史策 饰)全力展开营救!万万没想到……这群反派好像不太聪明,一场惊险刺激却又荒诞可笑的守“呼”行动就此开启。
- 9.0 老妈乱入夏令营
- 7.0 不差钱2024
- 2.0 米勒角的圣诞夜
2024 喜剧简介:Halberstadt, the summer of 1990: Maren, Robert, and Volker come across millions of East German marks in an old tunnel. Although the money is technically worthless, the three friends smuggle it out in their backpacks and involve their neighbors in a clever scheme to cheat capitalism by exchanging it for goods.
- 5.0 甜心
- 9.0 雾都奇遇夜